We have to do 6 hours of community service, and the field trip will give me the other four needed.
I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who reads my blog, especially those who comment and "follow" me! The support is sooo appreciated!
The rest of this week will be spent studying for Nur100-Intro to Nsng, Exam #2. Can we say bleck? Tomorrow a couple of classmates and I are getting together to strategize for our study group on Friday. The first time we did study group we just kind of bumbled along, and we'd like to have a little more organization from here on out.
Yeah, so there are rough patches, and some smooth ones too. Those of us who have been on the fence, so to speak, are also strategizing on moving forward with a positive, determined attitude. After all we didn't work our butts off to get where we're at to give up!