October 23, 2008, will be remembered forever by two families as they lost their sons to a fatal car crash that evening. One of the boys graduated this past June, and the other was a senior, both from our local high school.
So in the crisp fall air we bowed our heads and paid respect. I also said a little prayer, hoping to never be the parent who receives the dreaded phone call, or knock on the door.
This really hits home because, if you follow my blog or know us, you know my 15 year old son recently received his learner's permit.
Today ends the annual National Teen Driver Safety Week, October 19-25. By October 24th, seven teens, including the two spoken of above had died in traffic accidents, in Virginia, this year...this week.
That fact alone makes me shudder.
I am extremely proud to say my son is taking part in a club at school that involves this very subject, YOVASO. The club's mission involves teens in making wise choices as they get behind a wheel.
Tonight is the homecoming dance. Before the dance a bunch of us parents are putting on a dinner for our sophomores. I like the idea. For one it's less expensive than them dining out, and it will be an occasion they can remember in years to come. This will be the last year that my husband and/or I needs to chaffeur BZ to his major social events.
This time next year, I'll say good-bye to BZ as he gets in his car to go pick up his date. I will have to take a deep breath, and hope he makes wise decisions. Of course that goes for every time he steps out the door.
I haven't gotten any gray hairs yet? I'll certainly have plenty by the time AW reaches this milestone.