I stormed into Satan's room, at approximately 8 a.m. to awaken him from his deep slumber, demanding his account information, and for him to descend the stairs to enter it in and explain himself. I feel slightly bad, because I also had to go wake Lucifer up for the same reason. I don't feel bad because of that, but because of the fact that only one of the purchases was made by Satan, the rest were made by 12 y/o Lucifer.
Yes, at times like this they are referred to by their devil names.
It doesn't help that there is no phone call support for billing/purchase disputes at ITunes. You have to email them. Either that, or you can go in and opt for the "report a problem" choice. You then click on "report a problem" that shows up next to the item in question, and fill out the form.
So, we're talking over $300 in purchases. The average purchase was $42. That would be great if that was for one item. Each order, at about $42, had about 20 or so songs, and then some videos, or movies to go along with them...at least.
The average purchase on ITunes would be the songs at 99 cents a piece....$42 equals 40 or so songs...if songs are all that a very bad boy purchases!!!
You try and fill in reports for each song, video, or movie!!! I did it for several and then got wise and decided to opt for emailing customer service. I had to make a list on MSWord of the order numbers. You can't cut and paste from ITunes because they wont let you select for copying and pasting!
Hopefully they'll resolve this matter via these methods, otherwise I'll have to wait until the "pending debit card purchases" are no longer pending and have the bank dispute them.
Happy Frickin' Holidays!
Well, up until this morning the holidays were quite nice.
Mom and Dad were here for the week and I took them to the airport yesterday. I bawled half the way home. It takes about an hour and I knew I had to stop to pick up a few essentials for dinner, so I got myself under control as quickly as possible.
Have you ever been to a Wegman's grocery store? I had never been and it was very cathartic, to say the least. It's like a food mall! You could literally spend hours upon hours in there! There's even a seafood bar, to go along with the huge bakery, deli, and wine store.
I don't frequent these elite grocery stores often, and would never do full-on food shopping at one, but they are fun to go into for the infrequent purchases.
The pane Italiano was quite yummy. It was warm still, when I picked it up out of the bin. It went along nicely with the stroganoff type dinner I made out of left over roast beast for dinner last night. My father-in-law and his lady friend are here for a visit and I had to throw something together.