Sunday, November 16, 2008

meme for a break

Decided to fool around in blogland for a break from the studies, and before I go to study group, and came across this meme on my newest blogfriend Tiffany's blog.

Crazy Eights
8 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. Greys Anatomy
2. House
3. Survivor
4. ER
6. Big Brother
7. What Not to Wear
8. Jon and Kate+8

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Griolis
2. Cafe Asiatique
3. Applebees
4. Bennigan's
5. Red Robin
6. Red Lobster
7. The Crab Shack
8. Joe's Crab Shack

8 Things that Happened Today:
1. woke up without a HA
2. said goodbye to LB's friend AM as he left after sleeping over
3. said goodbye to LB's friend DR as he left after sleeping over
4. wrote out more not-so-flashable cards
5. ate breakfast of cinnamon and spice oatmeal
6. organized materials for study group
7. showered
8. ate lunch

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. becoming a nurse
2. seeing my boys grow into well-adjusted adults
3. building our own home...someday
4. sunshine
5. going to the beach next summer
6. going to CO for my HS reunion next July, 20 years!
7. seeing Mom and Dad at Christmas
8. Dec 5, my FINAL final with UMUC! and Dec 16, my last final exam for my first semester of nursing school

8 Things on My Wishlist
1. things would stop breaking down with our house and cars-it'snot like any of them are old!
2. when DC, my 15 yr old cat, passes away (it will probably be sooner than later, he's hyperthyroid) he goes peacefully and without suffering
3. when LB drives he drives with caution and care
4. to pass all my exams
5. my butt wasn't so big
6. the boys would clean up after themselves when they have sleepovers
7. Ipod
8. new carpet


Today I'm thankful that I woke up without a headache!

turning in knots

So much has gone on this past week, with the sudden departure of one of our instructors and my indecision as to whether I will transfer or not. It's pretty scarey because what if I quit my current program, apply to another one and then I don't get in!? I did receive the package from one of the other local CCs.

I've also been dealing with trying to study for the two exams we have this coming Tuesday. We have one in Nur100-Intro and Nur105-Basic Skills. The basic skills exam is over Kozier chapter 36, Wound blah, blah. Nur 100 is over 9 chapters (our biggest as far as volume of chapters goes), and they range from 15-23...documenting to growth and development, and all the stages! Yippee!

We are having a study group today. There is probably going to be about 6 of us there. I'll have to make sure we stay on task. I've been making up flash cards, which are more like not-so-flashable cards because of how much actually has to go on each. It's not always as simple as defining a term in nursing school-it's about application and concepts! I was hoping to make it into a jeopardy game, but haven't had time to do that. I would want to maintain the info on the cards as well as using them for the game, you know putting dollar amounts on each in some fashion. Not enough time I say!

Speaking of which I better get off here and get back to the not-so-flashables!