Monday, February 23, 2009


It only took me seven years, traveling across two countries and several continents, dealing with small children growing into wild teens, deployments and many other obstacles to accomplish my degree. Hard work really does pay off, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Don't let anyone get in your way!

Now if I may make it through the current educational endeavor...

On that note I made a 92 on my perioperative nursing and medications exam today! Much better than the last (first) test in that class (Nur108).


Christy said...

Congrats! After 7 years, I'd say you earned that!

Prisca: said...

Girl, you can do it--hang in there!!

Azmomo2andcounting said...

Congrats times two!! Whats the degree in?

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Now all we need is that nursing one!!

Order & Chaos said...

Thanks ladies!!! Oh, and Christine, it's in psychology.

the star gurl said...

Ooooo its gorgeous! and so are those choclate apples, blimmin heck, Im drooling. Someone needs to export them to New Zealand!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am going to start school this summer to become a nurse. Hope it doesn't take me 7years though, because I'm 55 years old! I LOVE your blog!

jeninthedesert said...

You can do it! Keep up all the good work!

Nursapalooza said...

WOW! There it is! You look great of course, and congrats!!!