Nope, not Sandi. Sandi goes for truly edible items or garbage from food. Nope, it wasn't Sandi.
This had to be a Minnie mess. Minnie rummages through the upstairs bathroom garbage and pulls out anything she finds tempting. I won't mention the unmentionables she's dined on a time or two.
The "unidentifiable something-or-another"? A massacred tube of neopsorin.
Aside from that mess the earlier part of the morning was a success. I went and paid for and picked up my ATI books. Bottom's up: Med/Surg, child, maternal/newborn, and community health. We don't even take the med/surg ATI test this semester, but considering the girth of the book it behooves one to start reading...yesterday.
I passed the dosage calculations test. I did have trouble with the IV calculations, just as I thought I would. So, obviously I"ll be emphasizing on that area in my studies of pharmacology.
Although I have, figuratively speaking, pain-in-the-butt dog(s) and nursing school exams, my hiney is feeling more finey!
Our puppy got into a tube of benadryl crean yesterday. Lucky for all of us he disliked the taste intensly.
I couldn't help but give you an award for your awesome blog. Come pick it up here
congrats on the test...that sounds like my dog..and one much were your ATI books? i have someone that is selling theirs and i want to know if thats a great deal...thanks
so i would assume that this is a great deal for the ATI books:
Fundamentals for Nursing
Community Health
Mental Health Nursing
Leadership and Management
Pharmacology for Nursing
Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing
Nursing Care of Children
Maternal Newborn Nursing
She also has the CDs for Community Health and Mental Health
Asking 35.00 for all of the ATI books and CDs together
You are so cute :) I apologize for my major major delay in responding/acknowledging comments. Good luck this year! Yayyyy we're almost done!! Don't forget to have fun!! <3
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