Sunday, January 6, 2013

daily routine

Wake up, say a couple curse words as I rise, visit BSC, return to bed, ask for breakfast with coffee, peruse 'net, watch TV, shower every other day, do some leg exercises, peruse 'net, watch TV, reposition 500 times, visit with whomever else may be around, read, play games, nap, ask for lunch, peruse 'net, watch TV, do some leg exercises, peruse 'net, watch TV, read, play games, head out to couch if up to it, reposition 500 times, eat dinner, peruse 'net, watch TV, do some leg exercises, visit with whomever else may be around, peruse 'net, watch TV, read, play games, night time routine, go to bed, wake up...repeat.

I think my hand may be at 95%!!!!! That means I can use it without pain and with full range or motion at 95%!! Along with that, all movement, especially going from lying down to sitting up, has improved and I'm feeling less pain daily! My ribs are still tender and my ankle has been basically pain free with only a few bursts or jolts here and there. Now if my tailbone would just ease up on me...

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