Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i rocked the vote-have you?

Just returned home from classes, and also my obligation as a proud American, casting my vote. What was extremely great about today's vote was NOT waiting in a line! There's been a lot of hype about how many people would be turning out this year, causing extended waits in line at the polls. It's probably the advantage of living in a rural, small town. Everyone was out there this morning, waiting in line, so those of us who showed up later walked right in, voted and walked right back out.

This nursing student is grateful!

We took our third test in Nur105,basic nursing skills lecture, today. I received a 91%, which in our program is one point away from an A. We have one more test in that class, and then the final exam. For that matter, the same holds true for Nur100, Intro to Nursing. Along with those tests, and the final exams we have two more skills practical exams, a group project to do for 100, one more online entry, and I have the last portion of my community service to do.

We have to do six hours of community service in our program. I received permission to count the field trip I'm going on with the local high school's Health and Medical Occupations class to see open heart surgery, as part of my hours. The other portion was fulfilled working at the free clinic for two hours. Many people have done that, in three 2 hour increments, or they worked a blood drive, or the "drive-thru flu shot" program the college put on. Those both would have been great experiences, but so will the open heart surgery, even if I'm just observing.

Tomorrow in skills lab we're going to be learning about skin integrity and wound care.

This all doesn't include the mountain of work left to do in the horrid psych class. This week alone we have 3 assignments (a quiz, a cultural activity, and our individual aubmission for the roundtable we'll be doing next week.) I still have the conclusion that was due last week, from our group, to start and finish. I had emailed the professor about this dilemma, that being that the other two group members had yet to submit literature reviews, and the results section, which are necessary to base a conclusion-discussion on! He is permitting us to turn it in late. That took a huge load of my shoulders since I had to spend the weekend studying.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Deep cleansing breaths.

Good job on your exams!