Thursday, January 22, 2009

photo tag! play along!

I'm procrastinating like nobody's business. Should be studying for my Mental Health Nsng exam on Tuesday, but am traveling Blogworld instead! Ever feel like your own worst enemy?

I think the college burn-out goes far deeper than anyone might suspect.

Anyway! That'll have to wait for another blog post!

Jen over at Reflections in the Window was tagged and I thought it would be fun to play along!

To play you go to your photo files, choose the fourth file, and then choose the fourth photo in that file and tell it's story. Easy! and fun!

essence of AW

This is a self-portrait of AW. He must have been fooling around with my camera (without my knowledge) and decided he needed a new Myspace photo. I love it, though. It's a bit abstract, and is just AW.

Jen had a great suggestion. Rather than tagging anyone directly she left it open for anyone to play along as they wished.

Consider yourself tagged and tell us a photo story!


AtYourCervix said...

I did it! Come on over and see!

Jen said...

I enjoyed your post. I also really like your blog. I've been considering going to Nursing School. Right now I'm involved in our local Ambulance Company. Once my back is healed I'll be going for my EMT. I'll be back to read more on your blog. Have a great day.

L&D said...

I always say, WHEN IN DOUBT....PROCRASTINATE! D is for degree baby!!!!!

the star gurl said...

gorgeous photo, clever lad :-)