Tuesday, February 3, 2009

bursting with elation

Today's exam went much better than yesterday's! We took our Mental Health Nursing exam.......drum roll......I got a 100!!! A lot of people were pretty disappointed after yesterday's exam, after realizing they'd also done worse than they'd originally thought.

I am pretty tired right now. Big B's alarm goes off at 4:50 a.m., and wouldn't ya know I woke up with it. There was no sense in just lying there as the girls would never allow it, so we made our way down the stairs. That's usually pretty scarey considering how excited Labrador Retriever's become when food is in their near future!

Minnie runs down the stairs at the speed of light, rips around the house since there's a perfect track around where my staircase and water closet are located. By the time she's blazing past the foot of the stairs going into her second lap I've made my way down. Sandi, being the older of the two, usually follows close by or behind. That's pretty dangerous considering I'm accident prone. She's no less excited than Minnie, just more mature.

I'm headed out pretty soon to play financier to the teenager. He wants to go to the high school basketball games this evening and needs some dough to get in. Can you believe they charge $5 for sporting events around here!!! And if you leave you have to pay to get back in! Where does the money go???


Nursapalooza said...

Well congratulations!!! Having that degree has paid off, eh? Now take a day to relax!

jeninthedesert said...

Good job on the test!

the star gurl said...

Awesum good on you!!! love it when it goes well :-)

Christy said...

100! That's awesome! :) I think I only pulled that off before nursing school. Way to go girlie! :)

Tiffany said...

Congrats!! Great work!

Order & Chaos said...

Can you imagine if I'd done poorly on it,having the degree? Can we say jackass!?

Anyway! Thanks everyone!